
2024/07/03 07:03


去年富山に取材に訪れていたイギリス人ジャーナリスト・Natalie Leonさんの著書『The Japanese Art of Living Seasonally』が今月発売されました!




Last year, British journalist Natalie Leon visited Toyama for research, and her book, 'The Japanese Art of Living Seasonally,' was released this month!
This book, themed around Japan's four seasons, includes a section on Toyama featuring insights from Mr. Shintani, a researcher at the Manyo Historical Museum, and a discussion on the virtues of the land.
Natalie, who has a deep understanding of Japanese culture and the tea ceremony, attended the Toyama wagashi (Japanese sweets) events held in London last November.
For this book, she spent an extended period in Japan, carefully weaving together the traditional lifestyle and festivals that align with the changing seasons. Even for a Japanese person like me, this wonderful book offers an opportunity to reflect on the often-forgotten "rich daily life" in harmony with nature, as seen through concepts like the 24 solar terms and 72 microseasons.

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