2024/08/09 07:33

このたび「楽土庵 水と匠ブティック」にて、ジュエリーブランド「Classic Ko」の展示会を開催いたします。
Classic Koを主宰する大下香仙工房は、明治27年の創立以来130年にわたり、加賀蒔絵の技による工芸品を制作してきました。漆・貝・卵殻といった天然の材料を生かし、繊細な筆捌きから生まれる花や草木のモチーフ、人物や動物の柔らかな表情など、伝統技法と現代の感覚が織りなす美しさをぜひご覧ください。

◉Classic Ko Exhibition 漆工芸大下香仙工房の仕事
2024.8.7 wed〜9.1 Sun 11:00〜18:00 closed on Tuesdays
at 楽土庵ブティック Rakudo-An Boutique
Inquiry : 0763-77-3315
We will be holding an exhibition of the jewelry brand "Classic Ko" at our boutique. Oshita Kosen Kobo, which runs Classic Ko, has been producing crafts using Kaga Maki-e techniques for 130 years since its founding in 1894.
Please come and see the beauty that combines traditional techniques with a modern sensibility, such as floral and plant motifs and the soft expressions of people and animals, drawn with delicate brushwork using natural materials such as lacquer, seashells, and eggshells.
We are pleased to present approximately 30 wearable traditional craft art pieces, including earrings, ear cuffs, necklaces, and brooches. This is a limited one-month exhibition, so we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to visit.